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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Blood tests and X-rays


Clinics are held every day at the practice by both our health care assistants and the hospital phlebotomist.

Early morning and lunchtime appointments are available.

Fasting blood tests

If you need a fasting blood test, please book an early morning appointment with our health care assistant.

For a fasting blood test, you should have nothing to eat or drink apart from water from 14 hours prior to your test.

INR blood tests

We hold INR Clinics on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and lunchtimes.

We process our own INR testing in-house so you will have result before you leave the surgery.

On occasion your result may need to be reviewed by a GP so you may be asked to wait for a short while whilst whilst we complete these checks.


If your GP has referred you for an X-Ray please allow 24 hours and then contact the Radiology Appointments line on 0300 422 4488 (open Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm).

Test and X-Ray results

If your test result is normal, the practice will not normally notify you.

However if you would like to know, you can complete our online form. 

We plan to introduce a text service to confirm your investigation results in the near future.

Cryotherapy and minor surgery


Our doctors hold regular Cryotherapy Clinics for patients referred by their GP for removal of warts or verrucae.

If you would like to find out more about Cryotherapy treatment, please make an appointment to see your GP.

Minor surgery

Minor surgery is available at the practice for excisions, incisions and aspirations.

Please book an appointment with your GP, who will assess your suitability and arrange for you to be booked in for surgery at the practice.

Most minor surgery procedures are carried out on a Wednesday morning.

Joint injections

Joint injections are performed by Dr Nelson, Dr Wilson and Dr Morgan. We also have a weekly network wide MSK clinic for joint injections.

Mother and child clinics


Antenatal Clinics with the Community Midwife are held on Wednesdays between 12:30pm and 3:45pm.

Please book an appointment to attend this clinic.

Postnatal six week check

The six-eight week postnatal check requires a double appointment (20 minutes), so please ensure that you ask for a double appointment when booking.

Well baby clinics

The health visiting team provide drop in clinics Monday to Friday across all Cheltenham Children’s Centres.

If you need further details please contact the health visiting team on 01242 513368.

Baby vaccination clinics/pre-school boosters

Baby vaccination clinics with the practice nursing team.

You will receive an invitation to attend the baby vaccination clinic or for a pre-school booster when your child is due to be immunised.

Child intranasal flu vaccination

The intransal flu vaccine is available for children aged 2, 3 and 4. Clinics will be held in October ready for the forthcoming winter season.

Reviews and minor illness

Medical review clinics

If you have a chronic or long term condition such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, asthma or chronic obstructive airways disease it is important that you are seen regularly to help you manage your health and check your medication.

To help you do this we will invite you to a medical review clinic with one of the practice nursing team. You may have to have a separate appointment for a blood test prior to seeing the practice nurse so your results can be reviewed at your practice nurse appointment.

If you have more than one illness we will try to arrange for you to be seen in one appointment however some patients may need seen more frequently than once a year. Your practice nurse will confirm how frequently you need to attend.

If you are invited to attend the practice for an appointment it is important that you are seen to ensure the care you receive is safe and appropriate for your needs.

Minor illness clinic

The minor illness nurse will see patients with the following problems and if necessary will arrange for you to be reviewed by a doctor or other member of the practice team:

  • Urinary tract infection
  • Cough or wheeze or sore throat
  • Ear/eye/sinus infections
  • Viral type illness/high temperature
  • Wound problems
  • Eczema
  • Skin infections
  • Emergency contraception

Sexual health


The surgery provides comprehensive contraception services including:

  • The contraceptive pill
  • Condoms
  • Coil (IUCD) fittings/removals
  • Implanon insertions/removals
  • Emergency contraception

If you require emergency contraception, please ask to see the minor illness nurse or doctor urgently.

Contraceptive pill prescriptions and reviews can be booked with the practice nurse. If you have been advised by the surgery to submit a contraceptive pill review, please complete our Contraceptive Pill Review form.

For coil and implanon services please make an appointment with a GP.

Sexual and reproductive health

Our GPs are able to provide a full range of sexual and reproductive health services.

Both female and male GPs are available.

Chlamydia screening

We participate in the National Screening Programme for chlamydia screening for young people under 25.

To be screened you can make one appointment with a practice nurse or health care assistant or simply collect and return a screening pack at the practice.

Alternatively, you can call the NHS sexual health helpline on 0300 1237123.

Smoking cessation

You are much more likely to be successful in quitting smoking with professional support.

We provide one to one counselling and nicotine replacement therapy in the practice, please book an appointment with one of our health care assistants.

Travel service

It is important to make sure you are safe when travelling abroad and our practice nurse team are able to provide you with advice on vaccinations and other health issues.

Cervical screening

We participate in the national screening programme for cervical screening. If you have received a letter inviting you to book in for your cervical screening test or have missed a cervical screening test, please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment with one of the practice nurses. We have also began running cervical screening clinics on some Saturdays so you may be able to get an appointment on a week day or a Saturday if this is more convenient.