2nd Covid Dose – Requests to Receive Earlier Due to Travel

With the increase in cases of the Delta variant, giving people the best possible protection from Covid-19 is vital.

For both adenovirus vector and mRNA vaccines, there is evidence of better immune response and/or protection where longer intervals between doses are used.

Therefore, second dose vaccinations should not be given earlier than 8 weeks, except in line with the guidance issued by JCVI and the Green Book (for example, transplant patients or those about to undergo immunosuppression treatment where vaccination prior to this would be beneficial).

The main exception to the eight week lower interval would be those about to commence immunosuppressive treatment. In these individuals, the vaccine is given whilst their immune system is better able to respond.

Any decision to vaccinate earlier than 8 weeks should be made by the patient’s responsible clinician or vaccination site clinical lead on a case-by-case basis and must be based on clinical risks and benefits of giving the second dose earlier than 8 weeks.